Monday, July 12, 2010

Work and Non Work, Guitar "playing" and the All-Star Break

Hello, hello!

First, a disclaimer to my out-of-work friends: the following is not intended to brag nor rub anything in or complain. Well, maybe the latter a little.

So, after a month back at the grind, they've run out of things for me (and I assume the other Quality Assurers) to do. So, I sit there...daily...with nothing to do. While it sounds nice, and was at first, it's actually pretty fucking annoying. Especially considering I work not in a cubicle, but what amounts to a converted janitor's closet with a dry erase board. My closetmates seem equally unoccupied. The ad guy left at 4 today. Got in at 10. Wish I had the balls. Instead, I show up at 9 and promptly get my read on for 8 hours. I guarantee by now I'm the most well-informed person "working" there. But, as I and some of you know, there are worse things. Anyway, since I'm just looking for anything and everything to pass the time (except blogging more regularly, obviously), I've gone back -- half-assedly -- to the job hunt. I figure if work is this light now, no way they're going to keep me after December. So...time to start gearing up for being out of work in the new year! Hooray!

This week, in lieu of baseball, which is on break this week and which typically dominates my after-work life hours, I decided to dust off the acoustic guitar I've had for years and try to actually play the thing. I decided, too, not to tune it and not to learn anything, you know, proper. I think I came up with a couple cool things just fiddling and experimenting -- at least, my guitarist tells me so. I'm finding that fretting hurts my delicate fingers as does picking without a pick...those are my excuses for sounding terrible. Also, I've decided my axe-slinging stage name is Rudy Mentary. You'll be hearing from me -- er-- him.

I need to mention that I hate the All-Star Break. I used to really care about the All-Star game as a kid because I hated the American League so much and the National League were dominant then. Not so much anymore. They really need to get rid of fan voting in this thing, too. A popularity contest for what amounted to a game for bragging rights is one thing, but if they're going to base home-field advantage on it, then the fan should be left out. Mostly, because fans are idiots. (Trust me, I am one.) Also, I'm definitely done caring about the Home Run Derby. It's fun for like 15 minutes, then it's just mind-numbingly boring. Not to mention it somehow manages to make Chris Berman even more insufferable. I just can't take him anymore.  Sorry, no Mets baseball makes me cranky...but, then again, so does watching Mets baseball most of the time.

Well, let's not end on a whiny, sports note. Let's end on a fun and interesting music note. This week, one of the true mad scientist guitar players in the rock realm today, Nels Cline, is doing a string of solo gigs at the Village Vanguard. I believe it's mostly instrumental, freeform noise, free jazz kind of stuff, which makes me smile unendingly. Here's a sample of the man at work:

Nels Cline Singers

Here's the man shredding with his dayjob band, Wilco, from the show I was at last year. Highlight of their set by far.

Wilco: Impossible Germany (solo excerpt)

I'm going to try and hit one of those shows this week. Come join me for some face-melting good times!

1 comment:

  1. I did not understand anything from the All-Star paragraph, but its a good move that you are looking for another job. I hope you can get something better before December and don't have to be out of work again so soon after starting a new job.
