Monday, June 21, 2010

I heard you missed us, we're back...

...I brought my pencillll...(Van Halen, Anyone? anyone?)

or keyboard.

So, hello once again. You've all been champing at the bit since May 26, I know, so here're some updates.

I once again work! Blog name FAIL. But, so far so good. I'm still adjusting to life post-vacation, but fortunately, the gig so far is pretty chill and easy. We'll see how long before I hate it. I'm mostly excited to be among the mass transit commuters once more after too-long a stint as an angry Turnpike driver every day. Yeah, that not one of my better ideas. My daily ride into the city isn't too terrible. I walk alongside the skyline to the light rail to take me to Hoboken, where I tunnel underground and magically appear on 14th Street. Though, most everyone would consider me "laid back," I must say I do function slightly better within this frenetic, chaotic energy, so this is working for me thus far.

But, what of the ultimate goal of Permanent Saturdays! you exclaim incredulously. It's definitely not on hold, but I felt incredibly guilty for almost turning down this job just to continue to try to "find myself" or whatever I was/am doing. I'm just not good at living on the dole, whether I've been contributing taxes toward it for years or not. I got a little frightened that I was rapidly getting used to my life of leisure, so I took this job mostly to shake myself out of slackerdom, which comes way too naturally to me.

I've been thinking semi-half-seriously about the idea of teaching English abroad. (Thank you, M. McG, if you do indeed read this.) It seems to be a near perfect setup for me: different place, long-term but not permanent, subject I can handle and potential for adventures. The lure of Europe is ever-present with me, but not in a "Oh, it's so much better over there!" annoying kind of way...more like in a "I like girls with accents" kind of way.

But, seriously, I want to do more traveling and idea of being some nomad teaching people English around the world is pretty tempting. I'm increasingly starting to realize I should embrace my antsy, restless tendencies and find something that would allow me to give into them and not be totally reckless -- just a LITTLE reckless.

So, perhaps the modified goal is Permanent Transient Saturdays? 

1 comment:

  1. Do it! Teach overseas. It's really really fun to live somewhere else for a little while. I think it suits your personality too.
