Monday, May 10, 2010

....and we're back!

OK, so the weekend came and went and I didn't blog. I guess that is actually counter to the spirit of this blog. Mission statement fail.

Hello again, dear followers. There are now 12 of you. I appreciate all your support and Google reader additions!

First, an employment update!

I still don't have a job.

...and, now, sports....

Actually, I'm cautiously optimistic that I'm going to land this medical writing gig in Hoboken. Sure, it's not The Dream, but tough to knock The Paycheck I'd be getting. Also, it would be on a consultant basis, which is perfect for my flighty, noncommittal self right now. I'm also very lucky to have a solid recruiter working with me on this, as I apparently have NO idea what my skills are actually worth. I undersold myself by about $10-15 an hour, but fortunately, she corrected this messtimation. For God's sakes, Jim, I'm a writer, not a salesman.

I've also become increasingly preoccupied with becoming a part-time Starbucks barista. Please take a few moments to imagine me in the green apron. I think I'd look dashing AND fetching. My main motivation for this wild career turn is that I'm nearly 89% sure that they offer health insurance, even if you work part-time. And there is one located right down the cliff from me. Convenience, mindless work, benefits: that pretty much screams my name.

There's a lot going on this week in the land of Permanent Saturdays. Most interesting among my plans is attempting to build a horseshoe pit in my parents' backyard. Please take a few moments to imagine me doing any sort of manual labor. OK, that's enough laughing. I have no proof, but I'm fairly convinced that my parents have a bet with each other about whether or not I'll actually do this. I'd also be fairly certain that my mom is the one who bet on me, as she is wont to do. So, I sort of have to do it now...if only to see the old man lose his shirt. Of course, there could also be no bet...but, there still would be a pretty bitchin' horseshoe pit. Everyone wins.

Speaking of overactive imaginations, I'm also going to restart my scattered mess of a book I've been working (used loosely here) on for about a year. I just wish I had any idea about a plot, storyline, theme, etc. Instead, I have a few pretty good scenes and one interesting bar description... New York Times Book Review, here I come!

Hope Monday treated all you productive working folks well!


  1. Starbucks DOES in fact offer health benefits for part-time employees, as far as I'm aware. I say do it!

  2. Moonslope wants to be a Starbucks barista today, too! As for me, I just like to give Starbucks lots of my money. Even though the coffee's not even very good until it's converted into dessert-quality concoctions.

  3. Starbucks doesn't sound half bad.
