Tuesday, May 4, 2010

When writers lose jobs, writers start blogs...

....and then foist them upon their friends. You're welcome.

So, this is actually kind of embarrassing. Yet another writer-type with a blog. We're as prevalent as herpes in Belmar. Was that snarky? No, I think it was. And I apologize; I loathe snark.

Anyway, this is my maiden voyage toward ending my lifelong poserdom: writer who doesn't really write, reader who can't finish a book, nerd who actually knows very little, etc., etc. I'm pretty sure the definition of lazy is dreaming big and executing small. Well, no more! I'm dreaming smaller...

I'm choosing to view this second bout with unemployment with the ultimate of silver lining perspectives. As someone who has very successful and stable friends, I've often felt envious that they were able to figure out their passions early and drive steadily toward achieving career incorporating those passions. My career aspirations, for better or worse, sound as fanciful as they did in kindergarten. So, I'm actually here to announce that I'm becoming a farmer/firefighter/Michael Jackson.

Anyway, I invite you all to come with me on a journey to...somewhere. Disclaimer: it might be short-lived if this one job pans out. The lure of steady pay is strong with this one. However, the pull to throw all logic and sense out this here window and take some of the chances I've been too lazy or fearful to...take...(Someone provide me with a better word there!) is becoming equally as strong.

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