Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Weehawken outlaw...

So, I really need to open my mail in a more timely fashion. I opened one of my many Official Notice letters from one of the many surrounding towns (I hate parking tickets and "forget to pay them.) and realized that there was a warrant for my arrest for a real-deal ticket I got. (That epic commute I used to do really did wonders for my driving record.) So, I had to post $160 bail yesterday and I have a court date next Tuesday. All this for improper, but totally understandable, passing.

Then, tonight, I was scheduled to attend night court to fight a different ticket. I take the "independent" bus ALL the way there (10 minutes) to find there is no court tonight. So, you can blame the Weehawken Town(ship?) for no witty Night Court comments here or fun Night Court YouTube videos. Wee, indeed.

However, today, there was some production from this modest apartment! I give you answer to the oft-asked question: what do you do with your money? (Bookcases built by The Dad Depot.)

Exhibit A (brought to you by ESPN):

That's what I did today. Redecorated. So, at least when people do come over, they'll think I'm a man of wealth and taste. The truth will be our little secret.

Fifteen followers! Counting never gets old to me, obviously. Thanks for caring!


  1. I'm jealous of your bookshelves. And the items on them.

  2. wow, already a CRIMINAL. i hope you stay unemployed for a few more weeks so we can see what other crimes are committed. hahaha.

    woah! my music collection looks sad now.

    was there space for my speakers?

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Totally impressive, especially the records...I think my vinyl only takes up one shelf. Wah-wahhhh.

  5. Love it.
    Really, is there anything better than a media wall?

    I'm a GREAT friend because I just started a stupid Gmail account just so I would be able to sign in here to comment.

  6. Dad did an amazing job on the shelves! The setup is great.

  7. Bookshelves are awesome, I'm jealous. That's how I'd like my living room to look.

    I can't believe there was a warrant for your arrest - you've only been unemployed for a couple of weeks, really, there's no need to turn to a life of crime just yet.
